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They say that people eat first with their eyes and then with their mouth. Well, I wish it stays that way. As a gastronomy photographer, I wish more. I want photography to make people leave the comfort of their homes for eating out. Food photography goes beyond the click. You need to build the scenery, to enhance colors, textures, and ingredients. The challenge is to make people almost feel the dish aroma only by looking at the photo on a menu, magazine, newspaper, or social media.



When photographing interiors, my main goal is to show the architect or designer's style and look. In interiors photoshoots of restaurants, commercial properties, apartments, houses, and offices, you must capture the environment's atmosphere. And that is what I look for in every click.



Highlighting the value of the product must be the goal when photographing for advertising. It doesn't matter if the photography is for illustrating an online store, a catalog, or social media. The image has to awaken the desire to buy the product. My specialty as a product photographer is tabletop products, products we photograph on a table.



Photographing people in their professional environment and communicating the brand values ​​they created or represent. Professional portrait photoshoots are not only about creating beautiful photos. It is about revealing the soul, values, brightness, and aspirations.



Photographing landscapes and the cities I pass by is one of my passions. Whether the scenery is urban or rural, beach or mountain, photographing them is like blending work and pleasure.


Clau Pereira

professional photographer in Lisbon

"To do things well, it is necessary: first, love, second, technique"   ( Antoni Gaudí)

One of my favorite artists of all time, the ordinary man but great, Gaudí. In photography, this is also the guideline. How to be a photographer without loving photography? And what is photography but looking, being surprised, always searching for what makes you click? The equipment is the means I use to express what I see. It does not define me, nor does it define my photography. The look is my greatest asset.

This look came into my life a little by chance when I had the opportunity to change my career and professional life. It was not early; I was already 25 years old. I had just graduated in Marketing and Advertising when I realized that I would follow the less creative field in advertising, the media area. It was what interested me then, ensuring the placement of brand content in different media and enhancing the reach of the message. Who would guess that almost twenty years later, we would have this strength in Social Media?

I can't remember the decision itself. It was in a landscape photography class that I decided to invest in this new career. The course was about the look. No technique. Just look, observe, and click. A great start, I would say the best, the most necessary.

From this point on, everything started to happen. I graduated in Product and Food Photography at the Art Institute of Miami in 2001. I worked for a year as a photography assistant intern at the Burdines department store, acquired by Macy's in 2004.

I took a break to have my children and be with them for their early childhood and started again little by little. In 2005, I moved with my family to Curitiba, where I met great people who bet on my potential.

I photographed for many years for Cuore di Cacao Chocolateria and Empório Rosmarino. These two great clients' recommendations led me to photograph for L´Épicerie restaurant. Then I photographed for many other clients as Sphia Grill, Deia Folia Accessories, Atelier Ma Petite, Fernanda Del Gaiso Interiores, among others.

Based in Portugal since 2018, I have photographed for Jardins Abertos, Balangandãs accessories, Mufyn Music, Luzzo Pizzaria, Casa Rosa Pizzaria, Floresta das Escadinhas restaurant, Moments of Bliss, Pizza Garden, Latina Grill, Ávila Spaces and many others. I work together with restaurants, and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, to transform, through images, the communication of their brands with their clients. I teach photography, and I have new and surprising projects ahead. Follow me around here!



Clau Pereira

fotos acervo loiça.jpg

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